fresh & delicious fruits and veggies grown with care
in gregory, michigan
On less than an acre of sandy loam soil, our farm grows food enough to provide for a 30 family CSA, several local grocery stores, and a regular market in Dexter. Our produce is cultivated without chemicals or tillage, and with plenty of care and intention. We’ve heard from many of our shoppers and supporters over the years that you can taste that difference in our veggies. (We agree!)
Sign-up is open for our 2025 csa!
18 weeks of fresh and delicious local produce:
Late May/early June - October
2 share sizes available, Beginner’s and Veggie Lover’s
Pick-Up Sites: On-Farm, Dexter, Ann Arbor Co-Housing
Sliding scale/installment payment options
Weekly newsletters with recipes and farm updates
Need more info? Go to our CSA page.
Ready to sign up for the 2025 season? Register here.
farming practices
NOKA is a small-scale bio-intensive farm, in operation since 2017. On less than an acre of land, we grow a diverse array of fruits and vegetables. Using a combination of mulches, composted manure, foliar sprays, cover crops, and minimal tillage, we have already come a long way in building up the health, vitality, and organic matter of our soil. Though not certified Organic, we abide by the organic standards, use no synthetic chemicals, and do our best to get what inputs we need (seeds, manure, soil mixes) from sources we trust. We're excited to continue learning and experimenting - this is a lifelong pursuit - and draw our techniques and our ethics from a number of farmers, philosophers, and personal mentors we admire. Always feel free to ask about our growing practices.
community care
Our farm partners with 2 local Faith in Action food pantries to make regular produce donations throughout the Summer. Fresh fruits and vegetables are particularly hard to access for those who are food insecure in our region. Your contribution helps NOKA to maintain our mission of community care for those who need it most. Donate here.
And Thank You!
where to find NOKA
Ann Arbor: Argus Farm Stop, Liberty & Packard locations
Chelsea: Agricole Farm Stop
Dexter: Weekly Pop-Up Markets on Thursdays this Summer at Erratic Ale Brewery - Details Coming Soon
at the farm! 13013 ROEPKE RD in Gregory Email us to schedule a visit.
contact us
Questions about the CSA?
Favorite recipe you can’t wait to share?
Interested in bulk canning tomatoes?
Want to arrange a visit to the farm?